David Slack - Web developer

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Body wrap filter

Body wrap filter is such a useful module I had to write about it!

You are doing a website and have used CCK to add in some new fields. It's time to use CSS to move everything about and you find everything has nice divs and classes but not your content! You can't move the text, you can't put a border around it, a background, padding, margin, nothing.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

SEM or Search Engine Marketing is a way to get your website on to and up as high as posible on the search engines. You do this by link-backs and links.

Link-backs are links to and from your website so you link to a page on the web and they link back to you. Search engines pick up on this and move you up the rankings depending on how valid the link-back is (do the two sites/pages have info in common?) and also how valid the site is (is it a spamming forum or a .gov website?)

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the black art of making your site easier for search engines to see and list. The better your SEO, the higher the site is ranked in the search engine. There are lots of ways of optimizing websites for search engines but here is how I do it.

Once you have the site optimised for Search engines you can start to market it with SEM and offline marketing.


As usual we need to add in some modules to extend the Drupal website. Lets start with these:

Displaying the Images

Now we need to tell the site how to display the files using our ImageCache presets. To do this click the 'Display fields' tab at the top. Now use the pull-downs to get the setting below


  • Label = <Hidden>
  • Teaser = no styling
  • Full node = no styling

Main Image

CCK for images

Now we have the modules all installed and setup we'll go and make it so the user can upload an image on the page. You will have to do tis for each content type, but we will only do page and story for now

  1. Go to admin
  2. On the left click Content Types
  3. Click 'Manage Fields' to the right of 'Page'


We'll add a group for our images so under New Group type Images in the box for Label and 'images' for the box for Group name now hit the Save button. Now to configure the group


Now to set up the main part of the image modules, we'll setup ImageCache

  1. Go to admin
  2. On the right hit 'ImageCache'

There will probably be only one preset for ImageCash at the moment and this is for the iTweak upload module. This preset will set up an images size for any image uploaded using iTweak upload. We won't touch this at the moment but we will create our own

From the image the user will upload we will create 4 images


Once we have the modules installed we need to configure them

  1. First go to www.example.com/admin/settings/file-system/transliteration and click the Transliterate button if it asks you to. This will fix any problems with URLs you might have
  2. Click the 'Save configuration button
That's Transliteration setup, now Image API
  1. Go to admin
  2. Click ImageAPI on the right
  3. Make sure ImageAPI GD2 is selected
  4. Click the Save Configuration button

Now Lightbox2 to setup:


First we'll download the modules for images:

Suggested Terms

Suggested Terms module will suggest terms that have been used before. Very helpful for keeping content linked up because any content with the same term is linked via the taxonomy (think of taxonomy as categories).

Install in the usual way

To configure log in to your website and go to admin

Image modules

If you've followed the tutorials you'll know IMCE is great for adding images to content, but what about an image that 'represents' a piece of content?

For example your user will upload an image and we have to make sure it is a nice large image, say a width of between 1000px and 2000px (if you don't know what a px is read on). From that we need to create 3 images

  • one at 600px width by 300px height for the main image
  • one at 950px width with any height for the full size image
  • one at 200px width by 200px height for the teaser image


WYSIWYG stands for 'What You See Is What You Get' and is basicly an interface for content that looks like Microsoft Word with bold, left align, Centre, etc, etc. This is great for formatting pages but can be a nightmare for security. Read on for how to set it up securely.


First install these modules (Click here for instructions on installing the module)

CCK Module

CCK stands for Contact Construction Kit and with it you can add new 'parts' into your content and display them.

Views Module

The first module to install is the Views module. This module will give you access to almost all of the DB through a front end and will output the results to a page formated as a table, list, divs, slidshow or many other things. So, if you want all the page titles and images on yours site, that are published and sticky at the top of lists output as a slide show then Views is what you need.

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